Thursday, August 4, 2011

Can summer just stay forever, please?

When I think about the summer ending, I seriously want to cry. I don't know if I can remember what regular, everyday life is even like anymore. Moving back to Provo means getting back to a more scheduled sort of life. I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet. There are so many things I am going to miss about this summer. Let me name a few:

1. Sleeping in (I can't even tell you what time we wake up most days because its kinda embarrassing)
2. Staying up late to watch LOST or FNL (friday night lights)
3. Cookie dough
4. Game Night or to be more specific, WEREWOLVES!
5. Moonlight swims (only happened once but I plan to do it more)
6. Relaxing by the pool with a good book while getting some sun
7. Cuddling with Preston in the mornings because we are in no rush to be anywhere til noon
8. Hanging out with new friends we have made this summer
9. Spontaneously ordering pizza at midnight (this too only happened once and probably shouldn't happen again for the benefit of our "physiques" haha. man, it was fun though)
10. The lush, green beautiful place of North Carolina

I am so glad we got to have this experience this summer. It has been an absolute blast and has been such a good thing for our marriage. We truly are best friends and I find myself falling more and more in love with Preston each and everyday. I can't believe we only have one month left here. I am sad to see it end but very excited to get back to Utah and see all of our family members again! We sure have missed them!
My outfit 75% of the time this summer. :)
 ..Midnight Pizza Delivery..
best. idea. ever
Spiritual Exercise:
Read - Waiting on the Road to Damascus by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
          -Alma 22 & 23
Physical Exercise:
-Run for 30 minutes 2x today (Presto's idea)

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