Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Awkward with a hint of awesome

Just spelling the word AWKWARD is awkward. Ironic.

Today the power went out and has been out for the last couple of hours. I wasn't too concerned about it at first and then I started to think of the food in my fridge and freezer. How long before all of that goes bad? And then I realized I am super dependent on electricity. More than I even realized I was. How did people do it in the olden days? Electricity gives me a sense of security. For one, I am afraid of the dark. I'm not kidding. I just went to the bathroom in the dark and couldnt help but wonder if there was something in the closet or behind the shower curtain that was going to jump out and get me while I was doing my business. Sorry, i may have caused some of you to feel awkward just there. I apologize. But really, I just feel plain awkward with the power out. It's like I dont know what to do with myself. I can't get cleaned up and ready for the day because that would mean SHOWERING IN THE DARK. Nope, not about to do that!

Another awkward thing happened to me yesterday. I went to the mall with Haley, was happily browsing H&M when I noticed my phone only had 10% battery life left. Not good. For those of you who know what i do for work, this was a very bad thing. For those of you who don't, I do the scheduling for pinnacle for our office. Which means I literally have my phone and iPad connected to me at all times. It's nice because I can do whatever I want while working, like go to the mall or hang at the pool. Anyway, my phone was about dead. And I panicked. Lucky for me though, the nice gentlemen at the verizon kiosk in the mall were willing to let me charge my phone there. So there I stood, for thirty minutes charging my phone, trying to make conversation with the goofy verizon guy, when I could have been searching for treasures in Forever21. So totally awkward.

But you know whats awesome?!? Preston and I's one year anniversary is in two days!!! I can't wait! We are going to have one heck of a celebration!

Spiritual Exercise:
Loved this quote from the article I read yesterday from President Uchtdorf's talk, Your potential, your privilege. I hope to be able to live by it:
"The words written in the scriptures and spoken in general conference are for us to "liken them unto [ourselves]," (1 Nephi 19:24), not for reading or hearing only. Too often we attend meetings and nod our heads; we might even smile knowingly and agree. We jot down some action points, and we may say to ourselves, "that is something I will do." But somewhere between the hearing, the writing of a reminder on our smartphone, and the actual doing, our "do it" switch gets rotated to the "later" position. Brethren (and sisters), let's make sure to set our "do it" switch always to the "now" position!" -President Dieter F. Uchtdort, second counselor in the First Presidency.

-Preparing the World for the Second Coming by Elder Neil L. Anderson
-Alma 20 & 21
Physical Exercise:
-swim for 30 min
-run 3 miles (without stopping!)

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